A Checklist to Help you Plan Your Big Move
- Schedule pickup and delivery dates with your mover, and arrange for storage if needed.
- Verify your move-in schedule with real estate agents and landlords, and arrange for temporary housing/lodgings if needed.
- Obtain change of address cards from the post office. If your new address is not yet known, you can still address cards now to save time later.
- If you haven’t found a new residence yet, obtain a post office box or forwarding address for your mail until you have a permanent address. Ask the moving company for storage facility options.
- Get rid of any unwanted items around your house (furniture, clothes, etc). You can sell them through the Military.com Classifieds, hold a garage sale or donate them to charity. Keep any receipts from your donations for tax purposes.
- Arrange to pick up your children’s school records or get the proper procedures for sending the records to their new school.
- Arrange for letter of transfer from local church and clubs, including Scouts or other national organizations.
- If your family is driving in two or more vehicles, buy some short-range walkie-talkies so you can keep in touch while you’re on the road.
- If you or someone in your family is employed, arrange with your employer to forward tax withholding forms.
- Spouse and children with part time jobs should give notice. Ensure that all health, life, fire and auto insurance is up to date, and inform these companies of your new address.
- Return library books and other borrowed items.
- Ensure that your vehicle(s) are in good running condition and that all required maintenance has been completed.
- Record serial numbers of electronic and other important equipment.
- Fill out an IRS change of address form (available from the IRS in PDF format).
- Have appliances serviced for moving.
- Switch utility services to your new address.
- Inform electric, disposal, water, newspaper, magazine subscription, telephone and cable companies of your move, and cancel any local subscriptions or services (i.e., pool, diaper, fuel delivery) if necessary. If you have placed any deposits, get your refunds.